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Constraint-Induced Therapy
Movement increases, confidence soars, performance rises and independence develops in all areas of daily living skills through CI Therapy.

What is Constraint-Induced
Movement Therapy?

SummerCampFlyer 2025Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy (CI, CIT, CIMT) is an emerging and scientifically supported method of rehabilitating children with limited use of one upper extremity due to various neuromotor impairments. These children often have decreased strength, coordination and range of motion in that one side which has a huge impact on their quality of life.

This treatment model, developed by Dr. Edward Taub, is based on overcoming “learned non-use” in the weaker arm and improving motor skills and coordination in the affected arm by constraining the non-affected upper extremity.

Download Our 2025 Summer Camp Flyer!

Who Can Benefit?

Children ages 12 mo-18 yrs with one-sided weakness due to many conditions and/or diagnoses may benefit from CIMT, including:

  • Childhood strokes
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Head injuries
  • Hemiparesis
  • Brachial plexus injury
  • Other Neuromotor conditions

CIMT involves intensive treatment which results in teaching the brain to “rewire” itself.

2025 Sessions Registration Now Open!

CIMT/Bi-manual 4-week Program
Upper Extremity Three-week CIMT Program

Lower Extremity 2-or-3-week CIMT Program

Upper Extremity Two-week Brush-Ups
Two Week Speech program


How Can Powerhouse Therapy
Help Your Child?

To address these challenges, Powerhouse Therapy’s Neuromotor clinic offers evidenced-based Occupational Therapy utilizing the concepts of Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy (CIMT) and Bimanual Therapy. CIMT is a family of treatments that teach the brain to “rewire” itself.

Our mission and the goal with each child and teen is to improve their quality of movement and usage of the affected arm in activities of daily living. Our Therapists use motivating activities and gradually increase the difficulty to combat weakness, increased tone, incoordination and “learned” non-use of the hemiplegic arm.

Some of the Improvements may include:

  • Use of arm, hand, and fingers
  • Skills to care for self (feeding, dressing, etc)
  • Strength & Coordination
  • Awareness of the impaired upper extremity
  • Motivation and self-confidence
Mini's swinging

CIMT/Bi-manual Four-week Program

This is a 4-week program; 3-weeks of CIMT followed by 1-week of Bimanual therapy.

June 2-27th, 2025

Session 1   8:30-11:30
Session 2   12:00-3:00

Upper Extremity  Three-week CIMT Program

Option 1
June 2-20th, 2025

Option 2
June 9-27th, 2025

Session 1   8:30-11:30
Session 2   12:00-3:00

Lower Extremity Two-or-Three-week CIMT program

2-or-3-week PT CIMT intensives: Call for more information.

Those that have completed an upper extremity 3 or 4-week CIMT program are eligible for a 2-week upper extremity brush-up followed by the 3-week lower extremity program.

Upper Extremity Two-week Brush-Ups

2-week Upper Extremity brush-ups and 2-week CIMT followed by 1-week bilateral available upon parent request and availability.

June 2-13th or
June 16-27th, 2025

Session 1   8:30-10:30/11:30
Session 2   12:00-2:00/3:00


The Power of Hope

Children with upper extremity hemiparesis/hemiplegia are challenged in using both hands together. This results in an inability to function at the same level as their peers causing frustration in completing simple tasks like eating, self care, school activities, and play. However, that’s not the end of the story...

“When Amelia Jane came home from the program, I was so impressed with the progress she had made. Her arm is so much stronger and I can see she has many skills she didn’t have prior to attending. The gains she has made and the new found confidence are priceless. Thank you all for your hard work.”

Leah, Child: Amelia Jane, age 4

“Hunter has finally realized that lefty is there and can help. He has begun to try and use it a lot more, not just transferring objects to that hand, but actually uses it to assist. He was motivated by the other children”

Lisa, Child: Hunter, age 2

“Josh thoroughly enjoyed coming every day. He benefited by being around other kids with similar disabilities. He gained understanding of the importance of strengthening his right side and confidence that he can do anything he wants”

Anida, Child: Josh, age 9

“Carson went from not using his right hand at all to becoming aware of it and using it >50% of the time in everyday tasks. More importantly, I feel he gained the knowledge and confidence he needed to use his right hand. He really “gets” how using 2 hands will make his life easier. One of the biggest rewards was seeing Carson take “ownership” of what is required of him to reach his goals.”

Mom of Carson, Child: Carson, age 13


Offering individual intensive therapy from a pediatric occupational or physical therapist with specialized training in CI Therapy.

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Treatment Location
3735 Kennent Square
Suwanee, GA  30024

Mailing Address
1525 Haven Crest Drive
Powder Springs, GA 30127

Phone: 404-933-9869
Fax: 866-430-3367